Love is not just a word; it is a feeling, a complete satisfaction in itself. But the love our younger thinks of is just affection. They think they can find their soulmate somewhere online. They think that a mobile application can realise better that for whom, their heart really beats. They think that they can easily find their love online as like finding cloths and other stuffs. But it’s time to make them realise about what really love is?
Those people, who are seeking for love in the real world are little different. Because they know that how hard is to find the true love nowadays. They believe that love is a feeling which can be felt for anyone. Love is never planned to happen with someone. It’ll felt by us for our soul-mate automatically.
It’s true that no one can find love on facebook or Twitter but it’s not complete truth. Love can be found at any place or any platform. Either it is digital world or real one. But most of the times, the digitally found love never runs far. It crashes down frequently. But what to do our younger generation believes in online love instead of real-life love.
The reasons why digital relationships never runs too long are; the youngsters thinks that love is the thing to fulfill all your greed and needs, either it’s sexual or anything else. And when you try to find “the things” instead of true love you’ll get disappointment easily. But when you’ll try to find your love, you’ll never get disappointed. You’ll get “Hope” to search for your love, your soulmate again for one more day.
This is the actual meaning of world’s most complicated feeling called “Love”.